When you feel pain, this is the body’s way of telling you that tissue is breaking down. The goal of Neuro Prolotherapy is to build the tissue back up.
Neuro Prolotherapy is a natural, non-surgical method of assisting the body in healing ligaments and tendons. This form of injection treatment is for pain caused by weakened ligaments and tendons. “Prolo” is short for proliferation. This treatment causes the proliferation or growth and formation of new ligament or tendon in areas where it has become weak or injured.
Ligaments are the structures that connect bones to bones and support joints.
Tendons are the structures that connect muscles to bones and move joints.
When ligaments or tendons are injured they don’t always heal to their original strength or endurance due to limited blood supply where they attach to the bone. These attachments have many small nerve endings and will cause pain when they are injured.
Prolotherapy involves an injection of a solution into the area that the ligament or tendon attaches to the bone. This causes localized inflammation in the injured area. Inflammation increases the blood supply and flow of nutrients to the area stimulating the body to repair itself. The result is a stronger bond between the ligament or tendon and the bone. Therefore reducing the pain that is caused by loose or injured ligaments and tendons.
Unlike treatments such as medication and cortisone injections, prolotherapy contains safe ingredients. Repeated cortisone injections can cause damage and weaken tendons and ligaments. Long-term use of pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen) can mask symptoms without healing. In addition the success rate of surgery for chronic ligament injuries is unpredictable.
In our office the success rate of Neuro Prolotherapy is extremely high. Patients are getting the results of being pain-free in just a few treatments.
Call us today and see if you are a candidate for Neuro Prolotherapy injections.
You are just a phone call away from being pain-free! 208-799-3333