A Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) is a registered nurse (RN) with advanced training in diagnosing and treating illness. Nurse Practitioners are licensed master’s prepared healthcare providers who graduate from federally accredited graduate nursing school programs. NP’s are state licensed after passing rigorous state board exams and must maintain yearly state and national requirements for continuing medical education in order to renew their license. NP’s are trained to focus on helping you achieve total health and prevent disease.
While nurse practitioners provide the same quality of care as medical doctors, the philosophy of nurse practitioners is different. NP’s focus on preventing disease, improving wellness, and educating you about your health risks while helping you to make realistic changes that will improve your health. As an advocate and partner in your healthcare NP’s spend more time with you and use that time to listen to your concerns.
Their holistic focus, which looks at the entire person, is well suited to helping an interested individual become healthier. Nurse Practitioners offer screening tests for specific diseases, prescribe medications, treat illness, and administer physical exams. In addition, if you have a health concern that requires further evaluation, or if you are interested in receiving another opinion, NP’s can refer you to other specialists for consults, evaluation and treatment. In addition, NP’s can also prescribe physical therapy, massage, acupuncture, naturopathic and chiropractic care. NP’s are covered by most insurance plans and are licensed to practice independently in whatever specialty area they are trained. In addition Nurse Practitioners have independent prescription writing capability.
For more information regarding our philosophies, training, credentialing and licensing, please visit the website of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.