We strive to blend the best of conventional western medicine, with Chiropractic care and holistic natural medicine. Here in Lewiston, Idaho we offer Primary and Complimentary Care in one convenient location!
Our doctor, Kurt Bailey, is a Chiropractor, Naturopath and a Family Nurse Practitioner. This is most beneficial to you, our patients as you can get the benefit of three great providers in one convenient location. Here in Lewiston, Idaho we treat basic medical problems along with complex ones including everything from the common cold and allergies to chronic fatigue. Dr. Bailey is capable of treating from the initial point of injury with an anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxers to get out of acute pain and back to work as quickly as possible.
Along with this you can be treated as a chiropractic patient to restore function and repair damaged muscles and tissues with additional therapy. Add in the naturopathic care of teaching you how to care for yourself with stretching, exercise, proper rest and nutrition.
With all these working together you, the patient, reaps the benefits of feeling better quickly.
Take a deeper look through our website to see what we have to offer. Then call us at 208-799-3334 to make an appointment!